In this video we show you how to correctly record your Our Father in the Wilderness video.
Most important is:
Participation is easy. Go to a place in nature where you feel close to God. It can be the top of Mount Everest, or on a boat in the middle of the ocean, but also a nature reserve near your hometown.
There should be no buildings or roads or other signs of human presence around you and visible. Get your cell phone and take a selfie. Say the Lord’s Prayer (or read it if you don’t know it by heart). You start by filming yourself, after which you turn your mobile while saying the Lord’s Prayer to show the nature you are in. Your prayer can end with the sun or the sky.
The end can be a bit choppy, as you have to turn your phone back towards you to turn it off. It doesn’t matter and you don’t have to cut away the last piece in an editing program like Final Cut or iMovie. You can, but you don’t have to.
That’s all. Send your prayer via the ‘add your video page’ in the corner of this page and post it on your social media with #ourfatherinthewilderness. Alternatively you can app your video to us on cell 0031622219970 (The Netherlands) although we prefer you to use the page on the website.
Please write where and when you made your recording because other outdoorsmen are curious to know where you’ve been and how your trip was. Any questions? Email us on
And finally; we have a preference for videos shot in storms and high winds! Poor sound quality due to gusts is no problem – we’ll get the point!
Would you like to add your ‘Our Father’ prayer to the map? Send us your information.